Team Rho Cover Photo
Team Rho sticks together and also spends an awesome time together off-hours.

Team Rho of Net Group, a provider of software solutions and projects, likes to think outside of the box and create new and more efficient solutions for customers. Five young members discussed how Rho stands out among the teams, what IT is all about as a job and what great plans await them in the future.

An international team

Team Rho is the most international team of Net Group. Developer Ismat from Azerbaijan was the first foreigner to join Net Group. “In summer we also had an intern from Rwanda, Africa. This shows that background, language and nationality don’t matter – we want to see motivation and the ability to show initiative in complicated situations,” says team leader Carl-Robert. 

The company plans on expanding globally in the upcoming years: new client relations await in Belgium as well as in other countries. “This may be a drastic change in the staff of Net Group, also bringing in more foreigners,” Carl-Robert figures.

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The Rho team is the most international team in the Net Group.

More than writing code

“We’re not just software developers, we also have the opportunity to take the initiative in business development in order to find awesome projects ourselves,” says Carl-Robert. “This way, we obtain a broader experience of the various sides of the world of IT, not just sitting alone in a dark room chipping away at our own tiny little bits of program,” he explains. “Those who know little about IT may think that we spend all our days sitting in front of the computer writing code. The bulk of the work actually involves interacting with clients,” adds junior full stack developer Ain. 

Ain has a rather curious story about joining: he took part in an internship lottery and won the opportunity to tour the Net Group office. “The HR specialist asked if I could host a young potential intern at the office on Friday evening, give him a tour of the office and talk about Net Group in depth. After the introduction day, I immediately knew that I’d love to see him in Team Rho with us. And not just as an intern, but as a proper junior developer,” Carl-Robert remembers. 

What Ain appreciates about Net Group is that even as a freshly joined developer, he was given his own project to manage and carry out from start to finish. “I get teaching and directions, but I can be the master of my own project,” Ain says. 

Senior developer Sander can be referred to as Mister Loyalty, as Net Group is his first job in his area of expertise and he’s very happy with his choice. So are the other members of Team Rho: “There’s very little bureaucracy in the company, so I can develop extensively every day,” says Ismat. Full stack developer Marko likes being able to select the projects that interest him the most. 

“Our average age may be the lowest among the Net Group teams but what speaks in our favor is that we’re hungry in a good way. We want to think outside of the box and find our own new and awesome strategic opportunities through which to test new technologies, come up with our own solutions from scratch and eventually scale and launch them on new markets,” Carl-Robert says.

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The average age of Team Rho is the lowest of the Net Group teams but what speaks in their favor is the fact that they are hungry in a good way.

Join Team Rho! 

Team Rho is looking for broad-minded team players who are prepared to interact with international clients and take part in creating new business concepts. 

If you also want to be part of the awesome staff of NetGroup and undertake projects that carry meaning in the world of IT, test yourself and apply today!

The coolest job!

Net Group has been an awesome employer for various talented people for more than 20 years now. The company is large enough to ensure stability and at the same time small enough to be flexible. 

The employees of Net Group dare to push boundaries and think outside of the box. The mission of the company is to give its employees the opportunity to carry out meaningful projects which contribute to life on Earth and change the way we live, study or work. Our customers value the software solutions that provide corporate value very highly. The NPS score of the company in the EMEA region is 85 and above. We have done a lot over the years – the company has given opportunities for digital redevelopment for European and African governments, local governments as well as large corporations and start-up companies. 

Several of the products of the company were so successful that they took on a life of their own – the Net Group own product Synerall started work as a separate company six years ago and last year, the same happened with Depowise, which is involved in investment activities and compliance monitoring solutions in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

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